Whitireia and WelTec have joined two Wellington events which focus on the wellbeing of local communities, celebrate culture and local talent, and commemorate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The events, Te Rā o te Raukura in Waiwhetū, Lower Hutt (a Te Āti Awa and Āti Awa Toa FM event) and Waitangi Day in Porirua (a collaboration between Porirua City Council and Ngāti Toa Rangatira) both held annually, are important occasions in the calendar for local communities, with excellent turnouts, including record attendance this year at Waitangi Day in Porirua. The festivities include musical performances, food stands and artisanal stalls, with Whitireia and WelTec hosting an education stall at both.
Te Rā o te Raukura, a whānau-oriented community cultural festival that focuses on social wellbeing, education, and health, provided a great opportunity for those enjoying the festivities to see firsthand some of the learning and support options at Whitireia and WelTec. Waitangi Day in Porirua is one of the largest celebrations of our nation's day with an estimated 35,000 attendees this year, making it a fantastic event to connect with the local community and those who travelled from across the wider Wellington region to commemorate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

The Whitireia and WelTec stalls included interactive displays and showcased the learning journey, mahi (work) and projects completed by current ākonga (students) and graduates. These stories provided valuable insight into the impact of study, with highlights including a carpentry house model, samples of engineering projects, and a student-developed computer game, all demonstrating potential career paths for ākonga. Māori and Pasifika Trades Training and enrolments kaimahi (staff) alongside tutors from information technology, trades training, nursing, social work, construction, and engineering were able to talk through the pathway to gaining hands-on skills or study towards a qualification.
Hinemoa Priest, Kaiwhakahaere Ngā Ara Me te Tautoko, Director Learner Pathways and Support at Whitireia and WelTec, explains that community connection is important. Positive education outcomes are an enormous contributor to economic and social wellbeing and the study options and support offered by Whitireia and WelTec can make a huge difference in the lives of learners, their families, and wider communities. "The exceptional support throughout a student’s study journey at Whitireia and WelTec and being able to study local and be close to home with whānau support, is an incredible advantage."
Plus, there is dedicated support for ākonga Māori at Whitireia and WelTec, with the Tamaiti Whāngai and Te Awarua teams on hand to support the success and participation of ākonga Māori. "Ākonga can walk in, have a hui, ask questions, and get wrap-around mentoring, pastoral, cultural and academic support. The teams also provide external advocacy to help learners navigate things like fees and accommodation", says Hinemoa.
Mark Oldershaw, Executive Director for Whitireia and WelTec says Te Rā o Te Raukura and Waitangi Day in Porirua are two wonderful events, both fostering community connection. "It is a privilege to reinforce Whitireia and WelTec’s commitment to providing vocational education, showcase our study options and be on hand to have conversations with those considering study and future work."
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