Classmates, whānau, friends and the wider Whitireia and WelTec community celebrated today at the graduation of over 100 Innovation, Design and Technology students.
“Graduation is absolutely the best day of our year,” says Mary-Claire Proctor, Head of Innovation, Design and Technology at Whitireia and WelTec. “It’s an opportunity to honour the hard work, dedication, and resilience of our ākonga (students).
“We’re excited about what the future holds for our graduates. As a group they will impact so many aspects of our lives, including the physical and digital infrastructure that our society relies on and how we carry out business. Our graduates have the mix of technical skills and personal attributes that they need to be successful and adapt to our ever-changing world.”
Caryl MacDonald, the ceremony’s graduate speaker, has just completed the Bachelor of Information Technology and encourages students to consider Information Technology (IT) as a future pathway.
“All of us use some sort of technology every single day. We use tech for work, study, travel, entertainment, shopping, communication, medical developments, and more. We have become so reliant on tech but most of us don't know how it actually works. I wanted to find out if IT was a career that was right for me; and I found that and more, through my studies.
“Committing to study can feel a bit daunting, especially in IT where advancements are moving faster than ever before, but it’s a future that I’m excited to be part of! I’m incredibly grateful for the love and support of my family throughout my study, and the tutors and learning advisors at Whitireia and WelTec are approachable and supportive. I felt I could ask questions and there was help available when I needed it. Don’t be afraid to ask for support!”
Commenting on the graduation, Mark Oldershaw, Executive Director at Whitireia and WelTec, said graduation is an incredibly special moment for ākonga (students), when their hard mahi (work) and dedication is recognised by whānau and friends. “It’s a day where we recognise their unique journey, and the highlights and challenges they experience along the way.”
Now, more than ever, Aotearoa needs a skilled workforce to contribute to the wide array of growing industries. Today’s ceremony is the second of two annual graduation events hosted by Whitireia and WelTec, which showcase the diverse industry-recognised programmes on offer and will see more than 1,000 graduates ready to forge successful careers in 2024.
“We’re delighted to celebrate our graduands and wish them every success as they take their learning and skills and embark on future careers or further study. Mā te kimi ka kite. Mā te kite ka mōhio. Mā te mōhio ka mārama. Seek and discover. Discover and know. Know and the world of light is yours to behold.”
Tui Lewis, Deputy Mayor, Hutt City Council, is excited to see the graduation ceremony held again at the Lower Hutt Event Centre. "Today we celebrate the hard work and determination of the students. Lower Hutt's rich history of innovation makes it the perfect setting for this milestone event. Congratulations to all those graduating today!"

Caryl MacDonald, the ceremony’s graduate speaker, has just completed the Bachelor of Information Technology and encourages students to consider Information Technology (IT) as a future pathway.

Mark Oldershaw, Whitireia and WelTec Executive Director, with Tagaloatele Professor Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop CNZM, Te Pūkenga Council.