Whitireia and WelTec will become part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, on 1 Mahuru (September) 2022.
“The decision to move on 1 Mahuru (September) enables us to complete the transition process well before our very busy end of year processes and activities, and represents a vote of confidence from Te Pūkenga in terms of our readiness and resilience,” says Mark Oldershaw, Chief Executive of Whitireia and WelTec.
“There is no change to the day-to-day teaching and learning activities of kaimahi (staff) and ākonga (learners). All relationships with kaiako (tutors), learning support services and programmes will continue. We remain committed to providing ākonga (learners) with an exceptional learning experience that will support them into their future careers.
“Our relationships with employers, industry, and communities, are an integral part of delivering vocational education that meets the needs of learners in Wellington and the wider region, and we value the work we do together to support learners. These relationships, and the mahi we achieve together, will continue. Supporting successful outcomes for learners remains our priority. That won’t change.
“We look forward to formally acknowledging our transition from Whitireia and WelTec with our mana whenua partners,” concludes Mr Oldershaw.
Te Pūkenga brings together the existing Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) and Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) into one organisation, and, over time, will develop the capability to support work-based, campus-based, and online learning as a unified system. We believe this will enable us to provide a comprehensive network of studying opportunities for our ākonga (learners), as well as increase collaboration opportunities between our programmes.