Media statement: Whitireia and WelTec take steps to co-brand with Te Pūkenga

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As part of the transition to Te Pūkenga, Whitireia and WelTec will take on the Te Pūkenga logo, while retaining the Whitireia and WelTec identities.

From early Haratua (May), the co-branding logos will be on Whitireia and WelTec promotional materials – such as advertising, the website and programme information.

“The mid-year programmes at Whitireia and WelTec are already open for enrolment as per usual, and upcoming advertising and the new study guide will include the Te Pūkenga logo, alongside the Whitireia and WelTec identities,” says Rebecca Davidson, Marketing Manager at Whitireia and WelTec.

“This is one way we can introduce Te Pūkenga to our communities and start to tell their story, alongside our own,” says Ms Davidson.

“We value the WelTec and Whitireia identities, the history and partnerships that they represent,” says Mark Oldershaw, Chief Executive at Whitireia and WelTec. “We are proud of our past.

“The weave of Te Pūkenga logo - inspired by the harakeke (flax plant) - represents the sharing of perspectives, the exchanging of knowledge and skills. While WelTec and Whitireia are separate strands they will be part of Te Pūkenga - and stronger together. This is visualised in Whitireia and WelTec’s updated study guide with programme information, which has the combined logos.”

“Visually being a part of Te Pūkenga means we will be more connected to the other organisations delivering vocational and applied education in Aotearoa New Zealand and we will work with them to share skills and knowledge to better help our learners succeed,” says Mr Oldershaw.

As of December 31 this year, Whitireia and WelTec will be part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, together with all the other polytechnics and some ITO’s in New Zealand.

Te Pūkenga has been set up as part of the Government’s Reform of Vocational Education to create a network of on-campus, online, blended and on-job learning to give learners more flexibility in what, where and how they learn.

From 2023, all ākonga at Whitireia and WelTec will be enrolled with Te Pūkenga. Currently, learners remain enrolled in the same qualification and will continue to learn in the same way, in the same place, with the same people.


Media contact: Ruth Lavelle-Treacy, 021 104 6909

Whitireia and WelTec are part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn more

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